Growing up my family didn't mean mom, dad and a few kids, it was more like Grammas, Grandpas, Aunts, Uncles and about a million built in playmates (cousins). I can't remember a time when we weren't all together as a kid. It was that love, that feeling of total and complete contentment and support that allowed me to grow into the woman I am; the student, the mom and the wife.
This is my most prized family photo, a five generation photo, far left middle is my great grandmother Evaline, top middle my grandmother Virginia, then my mom, me and my daughter clockwise from top going right.
"Gramma C" and the cousins...Gramma C was actually my great grandmother on my mothers side. She passed away three years ago (in just a few days from now September 25) she was 105. I used to love going to visit her in the summer, she had rows and rows of raspberry bushes in her yard. If you couldn't find the cousins that is where we would be. To this day the smell of fresh raspberries reminds me of her!
“Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs. The ones you accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile, and who love you you no matter what.” ~ Unknown
These are my step grandparents, I met them when I was 4 1/2. I learned about unconditional love and that blood doesn't make you a family, love does. I spent many many hours at their house. It was my Gram who taught me the great "healing power" of toast and hot chocolate, it just makes everything better!
This is my grandfather, when I was very young or so they tell me I don't remember...I called him "Grandpa Dad". He stepped up when my father wasn't in my life and became the positive male role model I didn't have. He is the reason I continue my education. I was the first grandchild to go to college (even though I was 30 before I even attended). He was so proud of my accomplishments. I can remember living with them when I was small, I would go to town with him every morning to have butter horns and milk while he had coffee with the "farmers". Then it was off in the grain truck to haul grain, sometimes I even got to ride in the combine while we cut the wheat. It was awesome! I lost my grandfather on September 27, 2001. It was a devastating blow, I continue my education in his honor.
My grandma Virginia and some of my very first playmates, my cousins!
To me family doesn't mean just a mom and a dad and a couple kids. It's everyone who is in your life because they want to be. Family is our past and it is our future, because together we're better.
Davey, I love your quote about “Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs. The ones you accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile, and who love you you no matter what.” ~ Unknown" ! I have many people in my life that I consider family that are not blood related, and they consider me part of their family too. They are some of the most influential people in my life.