Sunday, October 20, 2013

Examining Codes of Ethics

As with most other professions, early childhood education and it's professionals are held to an honor system. This honor system puts a value on the impact we have in the lives of children. Knowing that early childhood is the foundation that adulthood is built on, we must commit to conduct ourselves in a way that will add to the richness and betterment of the children and families we serve.

The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) has created a position statement and a statement of commitment for those working in the lives of young children--a guideline for responsible behavior.  It is an oath, a promise to conduct yourself and your work with children to the highest standard. It is our obligation to ensure that children and families are handled with the utmost respect and given the opportunities to grow and develop.

As an early childhood professional we have certain responsibilities to the children, families, staff we work with and also the greater communities that we live and work in. The code of ethics is set up as a framework to guide our behaviors to ensure we are doing our best work and continuing to keep our profession of the highest caliber.

Another such agency to adopt a code of ethics around children is the DEC. The Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. The foundation of this code is similar to that of NAEYC, but relates to the professional practices of working with children with disabilities and their families. It looks at such areas of professional practice, professional development, responsive family practices and ethical and evidence based practices.

Four overarching themes, standards and patterns that were prominent in each code were the responsibility of the practitioner to remain committed to being knowledgeable in their professional capacity, to advocate for those children and families served, be respectful of the needs specific to the children and families with whom we work, and to always protect the confidentially of the children and families we come in contact with.

The common threads that run through these two agencies are integral to our work with children and families. They promote the core values that we as early childhood professionals must remain committed to. These core values (as listed by NAEYC) are:
  • Appreciate childhood as a unique and valuable stage of the human life cycle
  • Base our work on knowledge of how children develop and learn
  • Appreciate and support the bond between the child and family
  • Recognize that children are best understood and supported in the context of family, culture, community, and society
  • Respect the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of each individual (child, family member and colleagues) 
  • Respect diversity in children, families, and colleagues
  • Recognize that children and adults achieve their full potential in the context of relationships that are based on trust and respect
 We have come along way since the era of "babysitter", to building a true profession in early childhood, our work is far from over. In our effort to continue working with children, families and colleagues we must remain vigilante to these values and hold ourselves to the highest of standards as to keep our profession just that--professional.

For more information on NAEYC or the DEC please follow the links below:


  1. Davey Lynn you really struck a chord in me as the saying goes, because I have this conversation with someone at least once a week about Child Care is not a babysitting service. I tell this to parents, providers I work with, or I shout it from the mountain top. I agree we have made strides down this road, but that road as a little further to the crossroad. In order to continue to move forward we as professionals have to uphold and encourage others to uphold these values. We have to hold all in the professional accountable.

  2. Davey Lynn,
    I concur that while our profession has come a long way since the era of the babysitter, we do have a long way to go as far as educating everyone about the importance of our profession. Holding ourselves to high ethical and moral standards is an important step.
    I also wanted to say thank you for always finding additional, interesting and informative resources to share. I appreciate you taking the extra time out of your very busy schedule to share these bits of information with us, because working together is an excellent way to boost our field, and as you quoted in an earlier post, as Bev Bos says, "Together we're better!" I hope to be able to continue to learn from each other as we continue our courses at Walden and hope you are part of more of my courses. I wish you success in all of your endeavors!
