Saturday, April 12, 2014

~~Sharing Web Resources~~World Forum Foundation...Continued~~

This week was explored the World Forum Foundation a little more in depth. I contacted them to request more information on when the next forum would be, the 2014 forum is May 6-9 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and there is no way I could come up with the money to attend that quickly.  I still am waiting for a response, but hope to get one soon. I think I will try and write a specialized training grant in order to attend. I have a few colleagues, who are interested in attending along with me. 
I also wandered the site some more and read some of the blog pages. They were interesting.  The bloggers had been able to travel to many placed across the globe to visit childcare settings and meet the people who ran them. The photos were helpful for me to see what other programs might look like.
During my website travels, I read a little blurb that was about immigrant children but that was it one tiny sentence.  I also searched for “accessibility”, “awareness”, and “responsiveness”, but came up empty.
I think mainly the website is used to inform on the world forum conference and update on working group happenings.  They have several work groups around several different topics.  Some of the working groups look at issues like:
  • Children’s Rights
  • Curriculum Initiative
  • Global Collaborative on Design
  • Voices of Hope: HIV/AIDS Action Tank
  • Working Group on Including Children with Special Needs
  • Indigenous Peoples Action Group
  • Men in Early Childhood Education
  • Multi-site Initiative
  • Nature Action Collaborative for Children
  • Peace Building with Young Children
  • Rights of Children in Children’s Homes
  • Teacher Educators
  • World Play


  1. Davey,

    That would be so amazing if you would be able to attend the forum. I wish you luck to with the grant. There is so much information you would be able to learn and share with your colleagues.


  2. Davey
    Thank you for the information. I think that would be a great experience for you to go to Puerto Rico and to go to the forum. I hope you get to go. That way you could come back and share information with your colleagues.
    Good luck on getting that grant.
