Monday, April 20, 2015

Reaching the finish line!

Waaahooo! I made it! My master’s journey has come to an end, what a ride! Over the past 20 months I have been working tirelessly to become a Master in early childhood studies. I’m not going to lie, it wasn’t easy and more than once I questioned my abilities to continue, through it all I endured and now I can say that it was the best decision I have made. The opportunities this degree will afford me will be vast and almost limitless.

 I was the first one in my family to complete a college degree, and remain the first to earn a Master’s degree, I only wish my grandfather was here to see it. I know that he will be smiling down from heaven and I know he will be proud of me.
I don’t know what the road ahead holds for me, but I do know that I will take what I learned and apply it in whatever context I can. My passion and tenacity for supporting the professionalism of early childhood will serve me well. I will remain an eager and willing advocate for children and families. 

I want to thank the instructors at Walden for their hard work and excellence of programming and also my fellow classmates for keeping me motivated, your inspiration and dedication to the field is amazing. 

Thank you, thank you, and thank you again!


  1. Hi Davey,

    I admire your ability to be so open and honest! You have done that throughout this program. I am sure your grandfather is very proud of you! While the future is unknown I have no doubts you will be very successful and change the lives of many children and families in such a positive manner! It has been a pleasure to take part in this journey with you. Your posts were always insightful! Give yourself the credit you deserve! I wish you all the best!


  2. Hi Davey -
    I am sure your grandfather is smiling down on you as you complete this amazing journey! What an inspiration for the rest of you family to see you have finished such a great accomplishment. I can see the passion you have for early childhood and know you are going to make such a big difference in the lives of the children and families you will work with. Congratulations and I wish you the best in all you do!

  3. Hello Davey! I know that your grandfather is smiling down on you, like so many of our loved ones that we are missing and loving. I recently lost my favorite aunt last month to cancer, she was like a sister to me. I know she will be proud of me as well! I wish you the best of luck!!!

  4. Davey,
    You have been an inspiration and great support throughout these courses! I'm happy we were able to take this journey together. Your passion for children will help you do such great work for them. I look forward to seeing your name nationally advocating for children.

  5. From the first class to the last class, Davey we made it. I have really looked to you for your intuitive insight on the topics we discussed in class, to the replies you had chopped full of information. You challenged me in many ways to think outside the box, or in a more informed way. You challenged me to dig deeper and find the answers to the questions that arose in our discussion feeds. Davey I appreciate whole heartedly for the challenge to make me a better student and person in the field of ECE.

    Thanks for the inspiration, and I wish you success in your next ventures in life whether your career or personal if you keep that tenacious attitude then sky is the limit for you. Just think of the places you will go. CONGRTS on your personal and family legacy accomplishment, hopefully you can inspire others to make that leap.
